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Fishing Forever
About the Author

David Churchill was born ages ago in Swindon, where he still lives. He's really grateful to his grown-up daughter and son, Alison and Jon, whose combined efforts taught him how to use his computer the right way up.
After over thirty years of enjoyable teaching he now leads patients in creative writing in the local hospice
supported by a Lottery Millennium Award, walks miles on the hills with his wife Jaci, fishes the Upper Thames and Bristol Avon, gardens and finds every excuse to be part of the local landscape.

He thinks his books write themselves when he's not looking, and he hopes they go on doing it.

You can e-mail David at fishing-forever dot co dot uk (replace the at and the dots as normal - sorry there's no direct link but there's a limit to the amount of spam any one person can tolerate...!)

Other books by David Churchill

It, Us and the Others

The Silbury Triangle

Not My World

A Focus for Writing

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